Science task cards are so versatile, and there are so many task card games that you can play in science class! It’s perfect for any time of the year, but especially awesome before major science exams. These fun games won’t even feel like learning, but your students will get the perfect science test prep and review.
Below you will find a list of games and review activities you can play in your upper elementary science classes. They will go perfectly with the picture books for energy listed in this blog post. Use these 4th or 5th-grade science task cards. You can even create your own! Although there is no one way to use these task cards, it’s especially important to include visuals on your task cards for your English Language Learners.
It’s important to note that these task card games are not like Boom Cards. They are ones you can print and use in the classroom or use the Google Slide version. If you are interested in learning about Boom Cards, you can read more about it here.
Task Card Game #1: SCOOT
Every child will be given the answer sheet. Have each child stand up behind their chair with their answer sheet and pencil. In front of each child, place one task card. Students are given a time limit of anywhere from 1-3 minutes, and in that time they will have to answer the question on the task card on their answer sheet. Once the timer goes off, loudly say “SCOOT,” and students will have to go to the next desk and complete the task card at the desk. They will not collect the task cards and will only be traveling with their answer sheets and pencils. Practice the direction/rotation of students, so they know which is their next desk.
Task Card Game #2: Science Task Card Center
Within your daily rotations add a science center. Students can complete these task cards. Cards will hold up better if they are laminated to withstand student use. The answer sheets can be kept in a file folder at the center or students can record their answers in a science notebook.
Task Card Game #3: Quiz- Quiz- Trade
This is such an engaging task card game! Give each child a task card and pair 2 students together. Students can record their answers on the answer sheet or simply practice verbally their responses. Partner 1 will ask Partner 2 the question on their card. Partner 2 will respond to the question or state that they don’t know the answer. Partner 1 will need to give the answer to the question if it is incorrect. The next partner will read their question. Once both questions have been answered, students switch cards and move to the next pairing. It’s best if there is a timer, especially with younger students, and students are not allowed to run or speak loudly/yell.
Task Card Game #4: Small-Group Practice
Students that may need extra practice can be pulled in a small group together and go through the practice problems together. You can play a simple game of who can get it first, or write your answer on a whiteboard, and reveal it in 30 seconds. For the students that need the most help, you can show the task card and give them two answers to choose from.
Task Card Game #5: Corners/Bell Ringer
Read the questions to the students at the beginning of class/lesson and have students answer the question. You can do corners in the room. For example, if the question is ”What type of energy does this image represent?” You can have one corner of the room be “kinetic energy” and the other corner be “potential energy.” For best results, keep these short with 1-3 questions.
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If you are teaching 4th grade NGSS or upper elementary science, you will need these 30+ writing prompts! They are the perfect way to incorporate science into ELA or writing into science!
Purchase Ready- to-go Science Task Cards
Looking for science task cards for your 4th grade or 5th-grade classrooms to play these task card games? These sets are created for the whole year and are aligned to the NGSS standards. Teachers are raving about how useful these task cards have been in their classrooms. You can either purchase the entire bundle for 30% off or purchase them individually.
Each of the task cards sets includes a printable version, digital version, student recording sheet, and answer key.